Who We Are

We create high quality batteries for best user experience.

Welcome to Sigma Power Systems (SPS), a high quality power products manufacturer and distributor. We strongly believe in quality and getting it right first time. Having the right processes from battery manufacturing to commissioning a solution with the customer, reduces operating costs and eliminates waste for both us, but more importantly, our customers.

We plan to be the most efficient, high quality power products supplier, by continuously improving our manufacturing and business processes through the tried and tested PDCA (Plan Do Check and Act) methodology.


What We Do

Since our foundation in 1995 our goal has been to use technology to create experiences with a deeper impact.

SPS is located in Dallas/Fort worth area in Texas, USA. Our products are manufactured by approved ISO certified, experienced manufacturers to tightly controlled specifications. Every step of the manufacturing process is quality assured to delivery battery quality. All our batteries go through extensive quality testing before they are shipped to customers.

Many applications require multiple batteries to be used either in series or parallel combinations, to deliver the required operating voltage and or /autonomy. SPS seeks to work with customers to extend battery life by matching individual battery voltage within a battery combination. Our quality process ensue we only combine battery packs when customer voltage demands and thus. Providing longer battery life when the customers use the voltage matched batteries from a carton in the same string. (Do you need to say what a string is?)